Stress and overthinking are widespread problems nowadays, everyone has experienced it at some point in their lives. Negative thinking can become overwhelming if we start having stressful thoughts while working. You’ll be distracted, your performance will deteriorate leading to failures and low self-esteem. In such circumstances ways of getting over it, like, going out for a walk or watching a movie as suggested by wellness experts may not be possible.
What do we do then? Should we continue being overpowered by pessimism and lose precious time?
I too was sailing in the same boat a few years ago. Having suffered for a while, feeling helpless and after trying out different tools to cope, like meditation, neuro-linguistic programming, and the art of living course without success, I finally discovered a perfect solution — AFFIRMATIONS!
What is it?
Affirmations are positive self-talk, that are quite effective and simple to use. They influence our subconscious mind and are therefore a quick-fix method to change our pessimistic thinking patterns.
How to Practice Affirmations?
Anything we do continuously becomes a habit, and affirmations work on this principle. Positive statements that you repeat to yourself change your mindset and beliefs, thereby fostering a powerful mechanism to defeat overthinking. The focus here is on the positive while challenging the negative.
But before we begin, we need to understand that one of the crucial factors for achieving results is consistency. Therefore, take the resolution to be consistent right away and witness the miracles of affirmations. Below are some useful tips to unleash the powers of affirmations :
· Repeat affirmations in the morning, throughout the day, and before going to bed.
· Five minutes in the morning. One minute after every hour, and two minutes at bedtime. Essentially this activity should be done at least 3 to 4 times a day.
· Write them down
· Record yourself saying them
· Affirm with intention and believe in them.
· The more you repeat, the more you are likely to start believing in them.
· Last and most important, remember to do.
Here are some affirmations that I use in my daily life that has helped me tremendously. You can invent your own to suit your needs:
I am a Powerful Soul.
I am Fearless and Free.
I am Happy and Healthy.
My Work is Perfect.
My Relationships are in Harmony.
I am grateful for all the wonderful things in my life.
Create these thoughts and make them a Reality.
The best part of affirmations is that you do not have to set aside time separately or make any special efforts. It can be done easily anywhere and at any time. You can learn to control your thoughts and guide them in a positive direction, hence leading a more balanced, fulfilling life.