Uttanasana: A Comprehensive Exploration
Among the various types of exercises that we do as part of our yoga practice, forward bending and balancing poses are prime.
How does this category of yoga asanas (postures) help us?
- Strengthens lower body, ankles, legs and glutes
- Supports good posture and core muscles
- Improves balance and steadiness
- Increases mindfulness, focus, and calms the mind
Forward-bending pose or the `Uttanasana’
This asana is simple to do, yet its benefits are profound. The meaning of `uttanasana’ in Sanskrit is an intense stretching pose. Practice it for the following effects on your body:
Extends the spine and stretches the hamstring
Opens the hips and calve muscles
Relieves stress.
Steps for doing Uttanasana:
- Start with the mountain pose, where you stand straight with your feet hip-distance apart.
- Stretch both hands above the head, then bend slowly down, stretching your upper body.
- Bend down completely, touch the floor with your fingers, or keep your palms on the floor if possible. The head should be pressed to the knees.
- Feel the spine stretch as you pull the head down.
- Breathe normally and be there for 4–8 breath cycles, actively pressing the belly into the thighs on the inhalation. You can bend the knees slightly for comfort.
- Slowly come back up to the mountain pose and put your hands by thesides.
A few other benefits of this exercise are:
Compresses and massages the internal organs—digestive, reproductive, and urinary.
Stimulates the nervous and endocrine system
Better spinal health and eases lower back pain.
Provides relief from fatigue, helping you unwind after a long day.
Tips To Make the Process Easy
There are multiple variations for the placement of the hands, -:
Hold onto the back of the ankle and calves.
Scoop the fingers or palms below the feet.
It is alright if you cannot touch your toes—the main idea is to lengthen the back.
The bend should be from the pelvis.
Feet should be firmly placed on the ground.
Allow the head and neck to relax and hang freely.
Revel in relaxations from yoga and experience the changes within yourself!
Look out for more yoga asanas in Part II!