Discovering Inner Strength: How To Build Resilience in Tough Times
Make Self-reliance Your Inner Anchor
Doesn’t life sometimes throw you off balance, marred by uncertainties?
It could be any kind of adversities — in your work, relationships, or health which may be depleting you mentally as well as physically. Alternative methods to combat them, such as seeking external help or counseling, talking to supportive friends and family are short-term solutions only. Trying to divert the mind by retail therapy, binging on food or Netflix, and a host of other methods provide temporary respite and are toxic.
Rewind a few years, and you might have found me in a similar situation — dependant on people around me, seeking solace and reassurance. Plus, my parents were protective and always there for guidance and support, albeit I hardly learned self-reliance as a result. Self-reliance is a valuable tool that we all possess.
Are we too dependent on the external world?
If you talk to someone (friends, elders) about an issue you are having, they will undoubtedly listen, comprehend, and offer advice. But is this a permanent solution? The answer is No.
To truly regain balance and resilience, addressing the root cause of any issue leads to long-term, lasting healing and personal growth.
How To Achieve That?
Firstly self-awareness is crucial.
Secondly, acknowledging and understanding your own thoughts, emotions, and behavior!
Looking within our own selves rather than holding the external world accountable. The world around us is beyond our control.
Ultimately, it is you who has to figure out things, identify patterns contributing to your difficulties, and last but most importantly have the patience to go through and experience it. It is true that God helps those who help themselves.
Though it can be challenging but is definitely empowering. Therefore :
Get into the inner realms of the mind
Be in contact with reality
Seek and explore answers within
The result: You’ll come out of overwhelming, challenging emotions with flying colors!!
Take the example of fear and how I have been able to overcome it. As you face your fear on a daily basis, you cultivate courage and make it into a habit. The ideal coping strategy is the willingness to delve into your own thoughts and emotions.
Experiencing our negative emotions is like a catharsis and we should not resist, but allow them to flow. This point has been reaffirmed by Brandon Bays who is a famous wellness expert and motivational speaker in her program `The Journey.’ Unless we get to the root cause of our troubles we cannot resolve them. This may not be easy, but having the ability to bear it achieves inner peace and wellness.