Timeless Nostalgia
Childhood days are perhaps the best part of our lives — carefree and sans any responsibilities or worries that come with adulthood. Bringing forth a wave of nostalgia and cherished memories.
Amongst the plethora of fond reminisces, my favorite are the train journeys that we undertook. The ones that stand out are especially visiting my maternal grandparents during the summer vacations.
Life was simpler then and railways were the main mode of transportation. Yet the joy experienced on such journeys was incomparable! It wasn’t just about looking forward to being pampered by doting grandparents, but also the thrill of the train journey.
Enjoy the little things in life ……. for one day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things
Characterized by adventure and excitement — it was like a picnic with a twist.
From the flurry of activity at the train stations, where vendors sell tea and snacks, browsing the bookstores and getting to purchase my favorite comic, to simply observing the whistling train arrive at the stations ahead of ours and the rush of passengers to catch it.
We used to be ready for our train to arrive, to be the first to board. Then there was the scramble for the coveted window seat, the thrill of the train chugging out of the platform and watching the enchanting scenery outside. Small pleasures that filled our hearts and souls with happiness.
These trips not only brought families together, it was also an opportunity for spending quality time with parents, siblings, and other family members. Meeting new people, striking conversations, and making friends with fellow passengers was also on the agenda.
We used to carry games, puzzles, and story books, though gazing out of the window was my favorite pass time. And I wouldn’t have bargained it for anything else!
A College Tour to Remember
A night-long trip I undertook as a student with my college group, was the most remarkable. None of us slept throughout the night. No one was allowed to and those who dared to go against the `norm’ were `fined’.
The loud chatter, and the cacophony, would have definitely disturbed the rest of the passengers in the coach, but as excited youngsters we were in our own world.
An Offbeat Picnic
A burst of flavors emanating as soon as the packed food from home was opened, was enough for our mouths to start watering. Everything packed to perfection — including the cutlery, napkins, and water. And what a treat that was! Imagine a beautiful moving landscape outside as you enjoy your meal sitting inside the train.
The best sleep I’ve ever got while traveling has to be on a train. The rocking movement of a moving train along with the luxury of having a full berth, lulls me to sleep easily.
These childhood memories have made me realize that real happiness need not be something huge and unattainable. It is the small joys that illuminate our lives, filling our world with exuberance, laughter, and satisfaction.
The message is don’t wait for great things to unfold, find joy in the now.